Sunday, February 19, 2012

Arizona, Michigan, and Washington... You decide.

The wonderful states of Arizona, Michigan, and Washington are the final 3 states to decide on a nominee before the Super Tuesday votes on March 6 which is the day where 563 delegates will come forward and vote on a GOP nominee for their states.  This is a major event for the GOP and will be an indicator as to how the 2012 Presidential election will turn out.  It is clear that the two front runners are still Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum however Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are still holding on for those 20 states in several weeks.  This is an exciting year and a great time to become involved.  These next three state caucuses coming up will be heavily broadcasted and will set the mood going into the March 6 elections.  PLEASE make sure you vote and vote with who you feel will be a great leader and will best lead us out of the recession.  This should be someone that has experience in leadership and the business world that has truly proven their worth *cough* Romney *cough* but let facts lead you.  Choose wisely because if the nominee for the GOP cannot win in 2012, why vote for them?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Occupiers. Please Stop?

What is the Occupied Movement?  Why did it begin and where is it going?  The point of this movement was to protest against economic and social inequalities within the United States.  They originators decided it was time to stand up to corporate American and fight back with the poor hand they had been dealt.  This began in September 2011 and is FINALLY beginning to phase out.  Although conservative bloggers and media have been pointing out the disfunctionality of these movements for months, the liberal left is finally beginning to make statements to end this ridiculous group.  Bill Maher stated that he would like to see the Occupiers "Go home and get a job.  Enough already"  It has attracted people into the movement that are bored, lazy, and unwilling to rise above their given circumstances.  It is people like that that cause other nations to scoff at America.  The sense of entitlement is sickening and although it may seem like the wealthy have the "easy life", most had to work hard to get there.  They began at the lowest rung and worked their way up just as every American should.  Not everyone can be a millionaire but at least get a minimum wage job to help support the economy instead of camping out around federal buildings and wasting time and space.  Take some of the rare good advice from Bill and get a job.  Move on because the rest of us are.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Will It Be GOP?

This is an intense election year because the path the United States takes will be determined in November.  The main issue that arises with this election is the dispute from within the Republican party.  The Democrats already have their candidate so the debates between the GOP candidates are becoming more juvenile and far-reaching.  There are strange assumptions being made and ridiculous rumors being spread about each of the candidates although most are circling around Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as they are the clear front-runners.  Newt has quite a bit of baggage from his personal life which extended to his political career in the 1990's when his fellow congressmen found him unethical in his conduct.  Mitt has a well polished record and he has held leadership and governing positions which make him an ideal candidate.  It is unfortunate that many do not realize that legislators do not do well in governing roles and with only Kennedy and Obama being legislators turned president, it seems obvious that a governor would be a better choice.  This nation needs a leader, not a smooth operator that is used to backroom deals and sneaky legislation as a means to power.

Susan Komen vs. Planned Parenthood

It is no secret that one of the main functions of the Planned Parenthood organization is to assist women in aborting an unwanted fetus from the womb.  This is a typical reference for this group however there are multiple other roles the group plays.  Planned Parenthood also gives free screening for breast cancer, STD's, and pregnancy.  The fees for these screenings can be incredibly expensive in hospitals and doctor's offices and therefore unrealistic for many men and women.
Recently, the Susan B. Komen Foundation for the Cure decided to drop the funding for grants for this organization because of the fact that they support and carry out abortions.  I agree that the money given should not assist in funding abortion but these screenings are so incredibly important for so many people and lives are saved because of them.  The Komen Foundation recently retracted that statement and will continue funding breast cancer screenings for the group.  Hopefully this money is ONLY being used for the screenings and for other purposes.