Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Business 101 From the President

As many of us have become acutely aware, President Obama recently gave a speech regarding the relationship between businesses and government in Roanoke, VA.  This speech has created plenty of ammunition for the conservative side because of the brazen comments the president stated regarding dependency on the government.  "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.".  Yes it is fair to say that we all help each other along the way but there is NOT a necessary dependency on the federal government in order to have success.  Jeff Brown of the Teaching Kids Business program in Seattle stated
“I’m not sure I agree with the comments made," Brown said. "I think there is a partnership between government and business but they are not dependant on each other.  The government tends to justify their spending by touting job creation," he said, "but it’s a self-serving position.”.  I couldn't agree more.  The relationship is present because of the federal government commerce and economic sanctions but other than that, tax dollars and everyday people are the main supporters of American business.  The strong men and women who build these organizations from the ground up are the backbone of our society and the deserve to be praised for their hard work. 
We need a leader that is willing to give praise to hard work and stamina instead of patting himself on the back and giving a big thumbs up to the sprawling government programs he supports. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Makers versus Takers

In the words of out beloved freedom fighter, Abraham Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand".  There is an increasingly large number of individuals that are becoming less independent and more dependent on not only the government but those who create the wealth.  There is a battle stirring between the private and public sector in regards to strengthening the economy and increasing job availability for the millions that are out of work.  Arthur Herman compared the outcomes of both sectors over the past 60-70 years incredibly well "
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world.  It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen.  It revived America in the  Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.
In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire".
What does this tell us?  We need to focus on the economy and stop taxing the people increased amounts.  If the people have less money to spend, the economy will bot be strengthened and we will ultimately fail.  We need to elect those who are well versed in finance and economic backgrounds.  Trying to save the world when we cannot even support ourselves is irresponsible to the citizens of this nation and we need to demand that out government takes responsibility and turns the power over the private sector to bring us back.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence vs. Dependence and Freedom vs. Bondage

When we think of the United States many words and ideals come to mind; freedom, independence, liberation, dreams, etc.  There are countless opportunities available to those in this Land of the Free but are we really moving in a direction of freedom?  As the debt moves to $16 trillion and policies are passed that will in fact incur trillions more it seems as though this land of opportunity is becoming a land that is becoming dependent on the government far too much.  We the people pride ourselves on rising above despite mitigating circumstances in our lives, we do not demand assistance for what we can easily do on our own, and we do not take "freebies" or "handouts" from the government as a means of living.  These truths are quickly becoming less than that unfortunately.  As the welfare program costs surpass the military spending and as issues of healthcare, marriage, and government assistance which have always been privileges are becoming rights that are demanded by far too many drain what is paid in taxes, we see a frightening amount of dependence on the government.  This is not freedom!  If citizens become more and more dependent on government programs and are taxed for noncompliance we will lose our opportunity to grow.  Debt is not freedom.  Laziness is not freedom.  Dependency is not freedom.  Government dependence does not teach us to build ourselves from the ashes and to strengthen our resolve to succeed.  Mediocrity is not the American way and yet we are allowing these policies to pass that will put so much more power in the hands of the federal government whereas it should be in the hands of the people.  We need to go to work America and we need to work hard.  Vote not for party, but for who is willing to take the initiative to protect the rights of the people. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

We The People... Need a LEADER

The United States of America has definitely had great leaders and unfortunately, some who were not so great.  We are in dire need of strong leadership in this time when the world is so unstable and yet we have been without a great leader for almost 4 years.  Now is the time to change this.  Political parties aside, we can compare and contrast the two candidates on standards, experience, and policy preferences and it is clear who should be our next president.  President Barack Obama has had little leadership experience, has surrounded himself with people who do not produce results, and has yet to make a contribution that is economically sound.  He is willing to sing his own praises when something is done well (whether or not he was involved) and is compelled to place blame on everyone but himself when anything goes wrong.  Luckily, we have a viable candidate on the Republican ticket this year.  Mitt Romney has shown strength, honesty, and integrity in many aspects of his life.  He proven himself a strong leader during his governorship in Massachusetts, he has shown his expertise in business and economic soundness, and has been a true patriot who can admit his wrongs and move into the future with stability and strength.  As the American people, we have the right to choose and the right to vote for whomever we feel will progress the continuity of this great nation.  Make the right choice (pun intended) and choose conservative values this November.  Mitt Romney is the greatest option for the future and one of the greatest men overall that I have ever met.  Vote Romney!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Combine the Armed Forces?

Here is an interesting concept to potentially save money and lives and boost federal government morale.  We currently have 5 seperate branches of the military; Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Marines.  They all have different weapons, transportation, etc but imagine the  money that the government would save and the efficientcy if they combined these forces to have the same forms of communication, ground, water, and air support, and weaponry.  The Department of Defense would be wise to consider options to boost the efficientcy of the department.  Just some food for thought.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

At Last We Can Breathe Easy... For a Few Months

Finally the United States chose a worthy candidate for the presidential job!  Mitt Romney is a spectacular person with an immense amount of leadership, finance, and business under his belt.  Just what this nation needs.  We saw the terrible effects of choosing anyone but a governor to lead the most powerful nation in the previous 4 years and it is time to choose a leader.  We need someone that will stand strong for the morals and beliefs of this nation and its history.  We need someone that has led and will continue to lead the way into the future with passion, patriotism, and respect.  We need Mitt Romney.  Obama tried his best but his record works against him.  He had little experience in leading anything until he became the president and has yet to show a strong leadership style worthy of the title he holds.  It is EXTREMELY difficult to remove an incumbent from office but it is my hope and wish that this upcoming voting season is attended by intelligent thinkers who understand a good man when they see him and recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing when they hear him speak.  Lets go GOP!!!  Take back the White House and lead this nation back to an economic surge!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Arizona, Michigan, and Washington... You decide.

The wonderful states of Arizona, Michigan, and Washington are the final 3 states to decide on a nominee before the Super Tuesday votes on March 6 which is the day where 563 delegates will come forward and vote on a GOP nominee for their states.  This is a major event for the GOP and will be an indicator as to how the 2012 Presidential election will turn out.  It is clear that the two front runners are still Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum however Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are still holding on for those 20 states in several weeks.  This is an exciting year and a great time to become involved.  These next three state caucuses coming up will be heavily broadcasted and will set the mood going into the March 6 elections.  PLEASE make sure you vote and vote with who you feel will be a great leader and will best lead us out of the recession.  This should be someone that has experience in leadership and the business world that has truly proven their worth *cough* Romney *cough* but let facts lead you.  Choose wisely because if the nominee for the GOP cannot win in 2012, why vote for them?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Occupiers. Please Stop?

What is the Occupied Movement?  Why did it begin and where is it going?  The point of this movement was to protest against economic and social inequalities within the United States.  They originators decided it was time to stand up to corporate American and fight back with the poor hand they had been dealt.  This began in September 2011 and is FINALLY beginning to phase out.  Although conservative bloggers and media have been pointing out the disfunctionality of these movements for months, the liberal left is finally beginning to make statements to end this ridiculous group.  Bill Maher stated that he would like to see the Occupiers "Go home and get a job.  Enough already"  It has attracted people into the movement that are bored, lazy, and unwilling to rise above their given circumstances.  It is people like that that cause other nations to scoff at America.  The sense of entitlement is sickening and although it may seem like the wealthy have the "easy life", most had to work hard to get there.  They began at the lowest rung and worked their way up just as every American should.  Not everyone can be a millionaire but at least get a minimum wage job to help support the economy instead of camping out around federal buildings and wasting time and space.  Take some of the rare good advice from Bill and get a job.  Move on because the rest of us are.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Will It Be GOP?

This is an intense election year because the path the United States takes will be determined in November.  The main issue that arises with this election is the dispute from within the Republican party.  The Democrats already have their candidate so the debates between the GOP candidates are becoming more juvenile and far-reaching.  There are strange assumptions being made and ridiculous rumors being spread about each of the candidates although most are circling around Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as they are the clear front-runners.  Newt has quite a bit of baggage from his personal life which extended to his political career in the 1990's when his fellow congressmen found him unethical in his conduct.  Mitt has a well polished record and he has held leadership and governing positions which make him an ideal candidate.  It is unfortunate that many do not realize that legislators do not do well in governing roles and with only Kennedy and Obama being legislators turned president, it seems obvious that a governor would be a better choice.  This nation needs a leader, not a smooth operator that is used to backroom deals and sneaky legislation as a means to power.

Susan Komen vs. Planned Parenthood

It is no secret that one of the main functions of the Planned Parenthood organization is to assist women in aborting an unwanted fetus from the womb.  This is a typical reference for this group however there are multiple other roles the group plays.  Planned Parenthood also gives free screening for breast cancer, STD's, and pregnancy.  The fees for these screenings can be incredibly expensive in hospitals and doctor's offices and therefore unrealistic for many men and women.
Recently, the Susan B. Komen Foundation for the Cure decided to drop the funding for grants for this organization because of the fact that they support and carry out abortions.  I agree that the money given should not assist in funding abortion but these screenings are so incredibly important for so many people and lives are saved because of them.  The Komen Foundation recently retracted that statement and will continue funding breast cancer screenings for the group.  Hopefully this money is ONLY being used for the screenings and for other purposes.