Thursday, May 3, 2012

At Last We Can Breathe Easy... For a Few Months

Finally the United States chose a worthy candidate for the presidential job!  Mitt Romney is a spectacular person with an immense amount of leadership, finance, and business under his belt.  Just what this nation needs.  We saw the terrible effects of choosing anyone but a governor to lead the most powerful nation in the previous 4 years and it is time to choose a leader.  We need someone that will stand strong for the morals and beliefs of this nation and its history.  We need someone that has led and will continue to lead the way into the future with passion, patriotism, and respect.  We need Mitt Romney.  Obama tried his best but his record works against him.  He had little experience in leading anything until he became the president and has yet to show a strong leadership style worthy of the title he holds.  It is EXTREMELY difficult to remove an incumbent from office but it is my hope and wish that this upcoming voting season is attended by intelligent thinkers who understand a good man when they see him and recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing when they hear him speak.  Lets go GOP!!!  Take back the White House and lead this nation back to an economic surge!

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