Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Business 101 From the President

As many of us have become acutely aware, President Obama recently gave a speech regarding the relationship between businesses and government in Roanoke, VA.  This speech has created plenty of ammunition for the conservative side because of the brazen comments the president stated regarding dependency on the government.  "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.".  Yes it is fair to say that we all help each other along the way but there is NOT a necessary dependency on the federal government in order to have success.  Jeff Brown of the Teaching Kids Business program in Seattle stated
“I’m not sure I agree with the comments made," Brown said. "I think there is a partnership between government and business but they are not dependant on each other.  The government tends to justify their spending by touting job creation," he said, "but it’s a self-serving position.”.  I couldn't agree more.  The relationship is present because of the federal government commerce and economic sanctions but other than that, tax dollars and everyday people are the main supporters of American business.  The strong men and women who build these organizations from the ground up are the backbone of our society and the deserve to be praised for their hard work. 
We need a leader that is willing to give praise to hard work and stamina instead of patting himself on the back and giving a big thumbs up to the sprawling government programs he supports. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Makers versus Takers

In the words of out beloved freedom fighter, Abraham Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand".  There is an increasingly large number of individuals that are becoming less independent and more dependent on not only the government but those who create the wealth.  There is a battle stirring between the private and public sector in regards to strengthening the economy and increasing job availability for the millions that are out of work.  Arthur Herman compared the outcomes of both sectors over the past 60-70 years incredibly well "
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world.  It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen.  It revived America in the  Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.
In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire".
What does this tell us?  We need to focus on the economy and stop taxing the people increased amounts.  If the people have less money to spend, the economy will bot be strengthened and we will ultimately fail.  We need to elect those who are well versed in finance and economic backgrounds.  Trying to save the world when we cannot even support ourselves is irresponsible to the citizens of this nation and we need to demand that out government takes responsibility and turns the power over the private sector to bring us back.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence vs. Dependence and Freedom vs. Bondage

When we think of the United States many words and ideals come to mind; freedom, independence, liberation, dreams, etc.  There are countless opportunities available to those in this Land of the Free but are we really moving in a direction of freedom?  As the debt moves to $16 trillion and policies are passed that will in fact incur trillions more it seems as though this land of opportunity is becoming a land that is becoming dependent on the government far too much.  We the people pride ourselves on rising above despite mitigating circumstances in our lives, we do not demand assistance for what we can easily do on our own, and we do not take "freebies" or "handouts" from the government as a means of living.  These truths are quickly becoming less than that unfortunately.  As the welfare program costs surpass the military spending and as issues of healthcare, marriage, and government assistance which have always been privileges are becoming rights that are demanded by far too many drain what is paid in taxes, we see a frightening amount of dependence on the government.  This is not freedom!  If citizens become more and more dependent on government programs and are taxed for noncompliance we will lose our opportunity to grow.  Debt is not freedom.  Laziness is not freedom.  Dependency is not freedom.  Government dependence does not teach us to build ourselves from the ashes and to strengthen our resolve to succeed.  Mediocrity is not the American way and yet we are allowing these policies to pass that will put so much more power in the hands of the federal government whereas it should be in the hands of the people.  We need to go to work America and we need to work hard.  Vote not for party, but for who is willing to take the initiative to protect the rights of the people.