Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence vs. Dependence and Freedom vs. Bondage

When we think of the United States many words and ideals come to mind; freedom, independence, liberation, dreams, etc.  There are countless opportunities available to those in this Land of the Free but are we really moving in a direction of freedom?  As the debt moves to $16 trillion and policies are passed that will in fact incur trillions more it seems as though this land of opportunity is becoming a land that is becoming dependent on the government far too much.  We the people pride ourselves on rising above despite mitigating circumstances in our lives, we do not demand assistance for what we can easily do on our own, and we do not take "freebies" or "handouts" from the government as a means of living.  These truths are quickly becoming less than that unfortunately.  As the welfare program costs surpass the military spending and as issues of healthcare, marriage, and government assistance which have always been privileges are becoming rights that are demanded by far too many drain what is paid in taxes, we see a frightening amount of dependence on the government.  This is not freedom!  If citizens become more and more dependent on government programs and are taxed for noncompliance we will lose our opportunity to grow.  Debt is not freedom.  Laziness is not freedom.  Dependency is not freedom.  Government dependence does not teach us to build ourselves from the ashes and to strengthen our resolve to succeed.  Mediocrity is not the American way and yet we are allowing these policies to pass that will put so much more power in the hands of the federal government whereas it should be in the hands of the people.  We need to go to work America and we need to work hard.  Vote not for party, but for who is willing to take the initiative to protect the rights of the people. 

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