Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Healthcare Bill....

Well... The Senate passed President Obama's health care bill and I would be lying if I said I was shocked. With influential people such as Reid, Snowe, and Pelosi out there supporting it, it was only a matter of time. These are three people I do not respect however and I feel that they are more worried about their own personal agendas or being re-elected and not the welfare of the country and states they are supposed to represent. I find it interesting how Harry Reid is behind both Lowden and Tarkanian in the polls by at least 6 points... Obviously the people are fighting back. 2006 was the year that Democrats began taking seats and the majority in both houses since the Newt Gingrich Revolution in 1994 and already the tide is turning in favor of the Republicans again. No matter how hard the Democrats and liberals in general try to lower the bar of morals and tradition, the American people know better and they will show it at the polls. 2010 will likely be another upset for the Democrats according to James Pethokoukis (a Rueters columnist) because of the lack of promises being kept. In his article "Why the Democrats Will Lose the House in 2010" he states that a plethora of variables are playing into his reasoning; the upsets in New Jersey and Virginia, History, Mean Reversion, Obama-Reid-Pelosi Agenda, Representative Parker Griffith of Alabama, Unemployment, Discontent with Democrats, and Economic Damage.... The article is short and a good read and I would recommend everyone at least skimming it.

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