Thursday, December 31, 2009

Socialization of... food?

The United States is the most obese country in the world. There are more overweight people here than ANYWHERE else on this planet.... but does that give them government (federal or state) the right to limit the amount of junk food that people can afford by putting extra taxes and higher price on fatty foods? That should be a resounding no but believe it or not, it is happening. There are many health problems that accompany obesity and the government has decided that it is enough. That however, is not their decision. This is a country that enjoys the freedoms of the capitalist system but the most recent administration and many governors have begun changing that in their respective spheres of influence. Christine Gregoire of Washington State for example, caused every soda and candy vending machine to be removed from the cafeteria area in junior high and high schools several years ago. This is outrageous. If a student wants to purchase candy or soda during lunch, they have every right to do so. As the 14th Amendment states "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States". That is very clear on what the government should and should not be doing... If the citizens of this country want to become overweight and obese, they should be allowed to. It is their choice! Fitness and health experts across the globe state that the key to being healthy is a balanced diet AND exercise. Taking candy and soda away or just raising the prices is not going to help the obesity problem. Will the government force people to join gyms and work out a certain amount of hours a week? It has to be the choice of the people and the government cannot and should not enforce that. Is this fair? Is this just? What about the people who are "in shape" and "fit"? Can they not have access to candy just because members of the population are not "in shape" or "fit"?
 Think about that.... it is not fair or just according to the Constitution of the United States which is the basis of all law.
I walked into a store the day after Christmas and noticed that Valentines Day candy is already being sold... more than a month and a half early. If the government is going to make special laws and restrictions on people in general should they punish these stores for pushing junk food for the next holiday in everyone's face as soon one holiday is finished...? Does that make sense either? Not at all... so why? These liberal leaders feel that if they can control at least a small amount of every industry, they will be all powerful and in control. The American people were never meant to be controlled this way.
I am a big fan of our capitalist country... that is how we have good quality services and relatively low prices. Once we begin socializing everything, that quality will go down as will liberty.

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