Friday, January 22, 2010

It's been a year...

Welllllll It has been a year now since President Obama has taken office and I think it is safe to say that it has been one crazy and hectic ride. First, I would like to do a little re-cap of what our dear President has accomplished in his first year in office.
1. Won the Nobel Peace Prize for.... doing nothing. But its okay because he said this was a preliminary award. His accomplishment has yet to be done but he promises he will do it.
2. heAlThCarE bIlL.... it's something no one really wants. enough said.
3. He has caused enough grief that his fellow democrats are dropping like flies in the polls and elections (Republican win in Massachusetts is the most recent and exciting! Way to be GOP and Scott Brown!!!).
4. He has taken many vacations with his family.
5. Has turned many of his own party against him because he will not listen to the advice of those have experience in the field... tsk tsk Mr. President.
6. He has not been able to "stimulate" the economy in any way.
7. He has not shut down Guantanamo Bay (NOT that I am complaining but it was a promise that he has not and will not be able to accomplish).
8. He has not created a peace settlement in the Middle East nor has he been able to stop North Korea from continuing their Nuclear program.
9. Has not been able to create more job for the American people.
10. Has not saved us all and been the "hope" everyone dreamt he would be....
Surprise surprise.
But hey... at least he is still trying right?
I do not think that many of these things are possible for one person to accomplish let alone in a 4 year term but our President has got to stop making promises he cannot keep.  It makes him appear as a... liar.  Lies do not create unity or peace and those are things he has sought after in his term.  Please Mr. President, stick to goals that can actually be done.

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