Monday, February 22, 2010

The GOP Needs to Step up to the Plate

Well, the Obama Administration and the Liberal Congress have not saved the country yet. In fact, they have made many things worse since the tides began to turn with the Democratic return in 2006. Health care is getting worse and this bill just will not die no matter how vehemently the public strikes out in opposition to it (The people have spoken Mr. President) and the economy is not picking up in anyone's book. Because the past 4 years have been terrible for homeowners, devastating for anyone with a business, and detrimental to people who have lost their jobs someone needs to come forward and fix this. This is no where near the effect that the Stock Market Crash of '29 and the ensuing Great Depression had on this nation and abroad but because people's pocketbooks and in essence their lives are being affected, something must be done and it has become quite clear that the current leadership have not helped but hindered the American progress. Recently the U.S. National Debt Clock in Times Square had to drop the dollar sign in order to make room for an extra decimal point to be added. Out debt is out of control and it is well known that the one political party seems content to spend away what we do not have on pointless programs and bailouts.  Conservatives of the nation: this is our time. This is the time to rise above and save this country from itself. Even the great FDR could not save us now. Ironically enough it is his programs (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc) that have contributed significantly to the increasingly high amount of debt. What to do, what to do? Well... it is time to use our brains and our passion and vote. Research the issues of our day and do something about it. It is our right and responsibility as citizens of this country and we must step up to the plate. Complaining does nothing but voting and writing to your representative does. One person may not make a difference but many can and will. Lets make our voices heard!

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