Saturday, November 6, 2010

All is Fair in Love and War... and Politics?

The American Government has problems... There is no doubt about it and there is no small amount of literature spouting ideas and reasons why this travesty came to pass.  One such book is written by Sunil Ahuja and although the book has an obvious bias (Liberal) there are some truths listed within.  The 1950's and 60's were a time of great changes happening within policies and congress was working together (bipartisanship) to create a greater good for the country.  The were able to work on health care, education, and welfare together because as former congressman Bob Michel (R) puts it "they respected the institution".  It seems that today the opposing sides demonize the other and have become exceptional blame game players.  As Fred Greenstein states in his incredible book "The Presidential Difference", oftentimes what it takes to run for and be elected president are not the same characteristics to be a great president.  There are few men that have been truly remarkable presidents although they did run a great campaign filled with promises and pledges to the American people to create "change" and "hope".  Why do we keep voting for people that have proven they will never change.  The goal is to become safe in a position and get re-elected which means they are because less bipartisan.  There are less and less bills that go through congress and the house that are bipartisan which means that no matter what, a large group of people will be feeling very unrepresented and there will be consequences.  After the Newt Gingrich revolution in 1994 the Republicans were in control of both houses until 2006 and here we have again, less than 4 years later the Democrats lost the House because they were not doing their jobs.  They were not representing their constituents and it has come down to the Republican party to help change the path this country has taken over the past 4 years.  Let us hope that congress will work together to ensure a safe and economically stable future for this nation.  The greatest nation in the world: The United States of America.  Congratulations to those who were elected in this intense mid-term election.  Serve the country well.    

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