Monday, January 31, 2011

Florida Judge Deems Obamacare UNCONSTITUTIONAL

It is common knowledge that the health care plan proposed by President Barack Obama has brought in a torrent of fear and anger nationwide.  President Obama claims that everyone should have health care whether they want it or not.  The main problem with the plan is the fact that although it brings health care to each and everyone of us, it lacks hugely in quality.  This exchange for quantity versus quality is by nature against what the United States of America stands for.
Justice Roger Vinson of Florida made a bold ruling that pointed out some unconstitutional flaws within the health care bill.  He points out that because of the bill forcing citizens to purchase health care and violates the Commerce Clause, it becomes unconstitutional thereby making the bill void.
There is of course many who claim this was an unfair ruling and this decision will be taken to the Supreme Court but I have high hopes that the highest court of the land will take note that the Congress who passed this law overstepped the bounds of their authority and also refused to take into account the many constituents that they represent DID NOT want the bill passed.  Time will tell what will come of this Obamacare but for the sake of quality health care, I hope the law dies.

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