Monday, February 14, 2011

CPAC 2011

I went, I saw, I learned... Although the Republican party had a great comeback in the 2010 election it is now the time to rally behind a single candidate to hopefully remove President Obama from office.  These splits within the party will not increase the chances of a Republican win in 2012.  The straw poll showed Ron Paul as winning 30% of the votes but it is common knowledge especially to those that attended the conference that the polls were packed and dozens of people voted up to 7 times for Ron Paul.  Mitt Romney was a close second with 23% of the vote and he was a much more viable candidate.  His speech calling for the Obama administration to focus not on healthcare, but on the failing economy and high unemployment rate was spectacular created massive support as round after round of applause from the thousands present echoed from the walls of the auditorium.  There were many other speeches given that were incredible that asked why this nation has not seen the change that was promised.  They asked this country to stand together and not not fall apart no matter the leader.  The United States is the most powerful nation in the world in so many aspects and we need to challenge ourselves and live up to that standard.  We can change the course that this country is headed and we can do this by participating.  Vote, petition, call your representatives, run for office, etc... These are all avenues that we are able to use and we need to.  God bless America.

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