Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2012 GOP Candidates

There have been many people that have stated their dislike of the options for the GOP nomination for the 2012 Presidential election however, these candidates are some of the best this party has had since Reagan.  These people love this country and they love the freedoms that we as a nation enjoy.  They all have various levels of experience in public office and most have succeeded in other fields such as business and media as well.  Some may have some extremist views but they will slowly be dropped from the race as they represent viewer citizens.  The front runners are obviously Mitt Romney, Michelle, Bachmann, and Herman Cain and they as a whole are representative of the Republican Party.  Each offer a very different promise as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world and each have a shot at winning the seat from the current administration.  Why would these not be considered the best the GOP has to offer?  Some mention religion, extremism, and lack of political suave are the major reasons however in reality, none except extremism could deter an individual from being a true leader.  A true leader is humble, passionate, and able to admit when they are wrong.  A true leader also surrounds themselves with advisers that posses differing opinions and backgrounds in order to better represent a larger group of those being represented.
A leader that actually connects with the people of this country will be a wonderful change from President Obama.  We need someone that stands up for the people instead of standing against them with an audible air of pride.  In turn, we need voters that educate themselves on those running.  There will be more trust in the government and the elected individual will be held to a higher standard with more accountability to those they represent.  Really learn for yourself about these candidates instead of trusting wholly a media source... that is the key to true learning.

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