Sunday, July 17, 2011

Debt not Debt Limit

Marco Rubio presented an interesting perspective today on Face the Nation.  He pointed out that the debt limit is really not the underlying issue in this nation but debt itself is.  I must say, we focus so much on the legislation of limiting or expanding the debt ceiling that we forget that debt itself is what caused this dilemma to begin with.  This country came from a great economic standing in the 1990's and has experienced an obvious drop within the past 12 years.  It is not just the government (local, state, and federal) that is spending too much but as a whole, the people of this country rack up incredible amounts of debt on credit cards and are unable to pay it back.  This is a serious issue that cannot be just be "fixed" with a bill.  This must be taught in schools and at home because that is typically where we as humans learn our habits.  This habitual spending pattern we have seen increase drastically is not healthy for the level of economic standing we should be at.  I am not suggesting that we quit spending all together but there must be moderation.  There is so much waste and pointless spending that we must do away with before we have nothing left.  There is supposedly a deal in the process of being made between the two parties in Congress but will it be before the dreaded August 2 deadline?  My guess is no but only time will tell.

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