Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do Polls Tell True Approval Ratings?

I was recently researching the approval ratings of governors around the country and was surprised to find that the Republican governors are doing a remarkable job in maintaining good marks with the people from their states.  I of course question the validity of polls because I have learned that they are not always accurate but it would appear that the GOP is handling the crisis around the country with flying colors.
Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has a 74% approval rating according to the Rasmussen Report.
Sean Parnell of Alaska is at a 58% approval rating according to the Public Policy Polling.
Gary Herbert of Utah has a rating of 57% according to Utah Policy.
Sonny Perdue of Georgia has a 56% rating from Rasmussen Report.
Linda Lingle of Hawaii has an approval rating of 71% according to Ballotpedia.
On the Democrat side Chet Culvuer of Iowa has a 33% approval rating from Rasmussen Report.
Jack Markell of Delaware hovers around a 40% approval rating according to Public Policy Polling.
David Paterson of New York is at a 21% approval rating accoring to Maristpoll.
Bill Richardson of New Mexico has an approval rating of 28% according to NMPolitics.
As we can see, these are some of the highs and lows but I would urge you to research this trend yourself because I found it interesting that the tide has turned so quickly against the Democratic party.

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