Friday, August 20, 2010

Illegal funding? Perhaps.

Nancy Pelosi has been one of the few politicians that is under constant fire since she became Speaker of the House and for good reason.  She is known for being abrasive and inconsistent in her views.  I was recently reading an article by Charles Babington of the Associated Press and he stated that Pelosi has been able to raise more money than anyone else in the political realm for herself and others with the exception of the President.  This made me wonder and question the validity of the funds because it has been proven although basically ignored that President Obama used illegal funds to support his and other's campaigns.  If Pelosi is doing so well especially during an economic downturn can it be fully within the laws of political campaigns and donations?  There are very strict limits on how much PACs, individuals, businesses, and party members can donate in each election but somehow she is receiving more?
It is enough dishonesty that allowed dead and imprisoned people to vote for Democrats in recent elections but to be receiving and accepting illegal funds that clearly tear down the laws of this country that they should be upholding?  That is a disgrace.

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