Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Federalist Paper # 10

Although these papers were written over 200 years ago, we can draw a lot of the original intent of the framers and apply it to how we create laws and understand the United States Constitution.  Federalist 10 (written by Madison) discusses factions and points out the flaws in them along with the purpose of them in politics.  Most of us are passionate about something and the purpose of the two political parties of the United States is to encompass those beliefs.  It has become increasingly difficult over the past 2 years to see that the 2 parties are in fact very different because of the splitting within each party and the incessant mud slinging of politicians in both from both.  There is nothing that can divide quicker and more efficiently than the divide that comes from within.  There are extremists in both parties, there are moderates in both parties, and there is everyone in between.  The major differences are well known and stated in the political platforms of each party but the major ones are of course Homosexual rights, Abortion, Environmental Issues, and Government Powers (size and expanse).  These are issues that often deal with individual morals which are a part of people's foundations, therefor it is obvious that these are going to be passionate subjects and the arguments will turn into personal attacks and rumor spreading.  Is this what Madison was warning us of?  I doubt he had any idea as to what American would come to but it is a safe bet that many of the founding fathers would be disappointed with the country they fought and died to create and protect.

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