Sunday, October 17, 2010

Extremism Part 2

Really America?  What is this country coming too?  I love patriotism but this is getting out of hand.  Liberals v. Conservatives on EVERY issue is not how this was meant to be.  Maybe Madison was right in Federalist 10 (you should go read it often to keep yourself in check) when he said factions were dangerous.  We have to pull together in this country or we will ruin ourselves.  Pointing fingers and accusing opponents of ridiculous actions and statements is not going make the other side look better.  I feel like the news has reverted back to junior high when everyone was in that awkward stage and was rude and inappropriate in many aspects.  There needs to be differences and no one would deny that but the differences are now tearing the country apart and instead of inspiring people to get out the vote, the extreme antics of both parties is pushing people further into the wood work and before we know it extremism will be much more prevalent because the more cautious and wise moderate center will no longer have interest in the process.  These topics such as homosexual marriage, abortion, healthcare, etc must be resolved somehow but because neither side will (or can) come to a solution perhaps it is time to mix things up in the government.  Lets get some unknowns and newbies into the mix and maybe with the combination of the wise and seasoned with the new and fresh will create some ideas and policies that will actually work for both sides.  I know that extremism really knows no concessions but there is no room for a "one size fits all" in the policies and we must come closer to the center to avoid favoring small groups over what the general population wants.  Can we do it?  I would say yes.

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