Sunday, October 17, 2010

Get Out the Vote

I recently spent several hours campaigning for the Republican Party in Kansas and what an experience that was! I have campaigned in Washington, Nevada, and Idaho previously but this was extremely different for several reasons.  The first was the fact that there were about 4 or 5 of us out walking the streets of Manhattan, Kansas and passing out voter registration forms, advanced voting ballots, and candidate information packets as opposed to the dozens I have been with in the past.  The second difference was the amount of youth (and by youth I mean the 18-25 age group) were actually interested in what we had to say.  It was a relief to see my generation being involved in some way with the political process and I couldn't be happier.  It is our civic duty and obligation to voice our opinions of those government officials who directly impact our way life by voting.  It is so simple and usually quite quick however there are still a massive amount of people that just will not do it.  Why is this?  The lack of civic engagement has caught the attention of several prominent political scientists and sociologists over the past decade and their findings show that although the advancement of technology has allowed for an increase in accessibility, this advancement has also been detrimental to relationships among citizens.  We as citizens of this fantastic country have the right and agency to choose who we vote for and it is sad to see that because of laziness and a disconnect on an individual and local level, we do not act on it.  There are so few countries that have the same freedoms we have and yet we claim so readily that our freedoms and liberty are being taken from us but we have the right to vote for those that are "taking our freedoms".  Do something about it.  Get out the vote in this mid term election and let your voice be heard.

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