Monday, October 18, 2010

Facts About Healthcare Today... and the Future

It is a common notion that wars are expensive.  Keeping up with the economy is expensive.  Healthcare is expensive.  LIFE is expensive.  Just because we are American does not mean that the federal government should pay for everything and give us "discounts".  People moan and groan about the costs of healthcare and blame the federal government for hiking up prices but if the government were to turn to a socialized healthcare system the country would collapse from the sheer weight of pressure.  I was recently speaking to a good friend of mine from South Korea who happens to be a huge supporter for socialized healthcare.  South Korea is a country of around 50 million while the United States population sits at about 310 million.  To support a country that is small compared to our population, yes I would say that most South Koreans are probably quite satisfied with their system because it is adequate to fit their needs however when looking at this country and the size versus the number of doctors and hospitals, the numbers do not add up.  Doctors would make less money which would give them less incentive to do their best or even become doctors because they would be overloaded with patients with symptoms ranging from minor colds or cuts to cancer and MS.  This is not a rational process for this nation.  People declare that only the elitists of the country can afford decent healthcare but I myself am living proof that this is false.  I pay under $100 dollars a month for health and dental and I am well taken care of.  I rest easy at night knowing that I am in good hands instead of fearing that one day I might contract a fatal virus and will be left on my own because the cost to save me would not be worth the effort as it would be in a socialized healthcare system.  We really need to, as citizens of this great nation find a happy medium.  Entitlement is not going to help this country but it will certainly hinder it and with the international and domestic issues running rampant today, healthcare is one things we should not have to worry about.  Lets get the GOP back into office to hopefully save the country from the lethal bandwagon fallacy shall we?  

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